Responsible for chairing all of the Co-op’s meetings
Responsible for keeping minutes of meetings, distributing mail to relevant Officers, making annual returns to various legal bodies
Assistant Secretary
Responsible for supporting the Secretary
Responsible for keeping records of financial transactions and co-ordinating the work of the Finance Group
Assistant Treasurer
Responsible for keeping the records of rent payments and reporting to the Finance Group on any members in arrears
Maintenance Officer and Assistant(s)
Responsible for organising the maintenance of the Co-op’s properties
Membership Officer
Responsible for co-ordinating the allocation of any vacant Co-op property and recruiting of new members, also responsible for publicising the Co-op and organising training for new and existing members
Membership Support Officer
Responsible for encouraging and recording attendance at meetings, identification of educational opportunities for members to acquire essential skills in order to ensure participation.
Equal Opportunities Officer
Responsible for monitoring the Co-op for Equal oppotunities and for making recommendations for any training/improvements as required
Office Manager
Responsible for the Co-op’s office and meeting room, ensuring that it is clean and in good repair, that the computer and alarm system work, etc.
Deputy Chairman
Responsible for chairing meetings when the Chairperson is absent
Web Developer
Responsible for maintenance and upkeep of SSHH website